Customer acquisition and conversion is essential to business success. Unlocking lead tracking, and all the data that comes with it will totally transform businesses’ ability to attract, segment, and ultimately convert an audience into customers. 


What is Lead Tracking? 

Lead tracking allows companies to monitor and examine a range of leads, throughout the entirety of the customer journey, across social media platforms and email marketing. This data will be invaluable to achieving success with marketing campaigns and gaining the ability to increase customer acquisition.


Type of leads for tracking 

There are many different types of leads. All these different leads require various tactics to encourage acquisition and conversion, so it’s very important to track each type and tailor the targeted content accordingly. 

Cold Leads

Cold leads are differentiated by their minimal interest or engagement with a certain brand. Although it might seem counterintuitive to track these leads and attempt to convert them, building a relationship over time with these leads could transform them into a valuable customer base. 

Warm Leads

Warm leads have shown some interest or engagement with a business’s products or services. This may include signing up for a newsletter, visiting a website or following the brand on social media. Monitoring this behaviour is crucial to creating personalised content that they engage with more, encouraging through the sales funnel. 

Hot Leads

The next stage of brand engagement includes hot leads. These are incredibly crucial to track as they are on the verge of conversion and making a purchase. Tracking can help to tailor messaging and the content they see, potentially offering them a discount, for example, to encourage a purchase. 

Qualified Leads

Qualified leads are a segmented portion of leads that meet specific criteria set by the business, including budget, authority, need and timeline (BANT). With all of the possible leads a digital team can track, it can be incredibly helpful to prioritise certain leads that are most likely to convert, so as to increase customer acquisition at a faster rate. 


How does it work? 

There are multiple ways to track and acquire leads, especially in relation to gathering data about the lead’s behaviour and intent for purchasing. 

There is a mass of information that companies are now able to track and collect, through website cookies, contact forms, and social media analytics, just to name a few. This enables a business’s marketing strategy to be personalised and drown out the noise in a highly saturated market. Presenting a brand as significantly relevant to a potential customer base encourages them to make a purchase as they feel connected to the brand, giving them a sense of fulfilment. 

It will be pivotal for digital teams’ marketing campaigns to collect this data. Without it, there is no indication of whether they’re reaching the right audience or how the business can acquire new customers. Micro marketing is one such method that would be useless without lead tracking, and therefore it will be an integral technique to employ.


Acquire new customers with Rooster Marketing

Lead tracking can be a hugely time-consuming task for your team to undertake, both due to a mass influx of data, as well as the process of analysing this data, ensuring it truly benefits your business. 

However, lead tracking is also extremely worth the time and effort it requires, therefore investing in this element of your marketing strategy will ensure your business succeeds in both acquiring and retaining leads. 

Get in contact with us today to learn more about our full-service marketing agency and how we can assist you with lead tracking, customer acquisition and so much more.