Voice search optimisation is fast becoming a necessity to stay ahead in the digital marketing landscape.

In this article, we discuss the changing market, why it’s crucial to implement a voice search strategy and the future of voice search optimisation.


What actually is voice search?

Voice search is just like it sounds: using your voice to search for information on the internet, instead of the traditional method of typing the terms you’re looking for into your search engine of choice.

Every device you can think of, from your mobile phone to the smart dashboard in your car, will be able to listen to your voice and use it to find and deliver relevant results.

Whether you’re asking your car to read aloud your text messages, asking Alexa what the weather is going to be like today or using the speech function on search engines, many of us are already using some kind of voice search in our everyday lives and its relevance will only continue to grow.


Influencing consumer behaviour

It’s only in recent years that voice search has truly infiltrated and permanently altered consumer behaviour. With the rise of smart speakers, like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa, people are changing the way they look for information.

According to Google, 27% of the global digital population is now using voice search on their mobile devices, which is only set to grow.

The fact of the matter is, if you’re not already optimising for voice search, you should be.


Digital Voice Assistants

Technology is truly overtaking us…

By the end of 2024, the number of voice assistants will overtake our planet’s population! Juniper Research reported that the volume of voice assistant devices will reach 8.4 billion. It’s incredibly difficult to comprehend this number, let alone the impact this will have on the future of marketing and communications.

This mass rollout and subsequent adoption of digital voice assistants will dramatically influence the volume of customers searching for information in this way.


Optimising for voice search

The best way to optimise your marketing campaigns and SEO for voice search is to adopt a more conversational tone of voice for high quality content that answers the specific needs of your potential customer.

What does this mean you need to do for your business?

Implementing a natural pattern of speech into your keyword strategy would be a brilliant method of optimising for voice search. This could materialise specifically in relation to your article titles or web page content, which should be longer and more conversational as the average search contains 29 words, according to DemandSage. Additionally, using long-tail keywords of three to five words long would be beneficial for capturing any extra information that customers might express with their voice.

Bear in mind, despite the conversational tone you will be adopting, it’s crucial this information is still specific and relevant to your brand and customer acquisition strategy. Using fluffy language for the sake of it will only work to hurt your strategy.

The future of voice search

The future of voice search optimisation will be inclusive of images, videos and other media to enhance the customer experience. This omnichannel approach will completely change how voice search operates and the data options it will provide the consumer.

Ultimately, personalisation is the name of the game. With the growing use of AI in search engines, voice search will eventually be able to recognise your specific voice, instead of blindly listening out for any voice to pick up on, providing tailored responses based on your previous searches.


Learn more with Rooster Marketing

It can be a daunting process to optimise your SEO and keyword strategy for multiple levels of communication. A full-text search requires a completely different set of criteria to be successful to a voice search campaign. However, optimising for both will be worth it for driving results.

Struggling to know where to start? Get in touch with us today to learn more about our full-service marketing agency and what we can do to help you on your marketing journey.