Awards Intelligence

Many clients seek to win prestigious awards, for personal recognition, such as the House of Lords and Royal Honours, or for the good of one’s business, for example, receiving the King’s Award for Enterprise. Awards Intelligence truly does it all. This prestigious brand aims to take the stress away from applying for such highly coveted honours.

Master logo

Aligned with the brand’s sense of timeless sophistication, we’ve kept their font clear, minimal and simple, with the ‘awards’ part of their name as the focus. ‘Intelligence’ positioned as a descriptor acts as a foundation for everything Awards Intelligence do, supporting the brand and uplifting their efforts. After all, their intelligent solutions help deserving people achieve both personal nominations and business awards.

The Pinnacle device

The Pinnacle device forms the graphic element of Awards Intelligence’s logo, which is versatile in design, allowing the brand to use it in isolation, where it is appropriate. We designed the pinnacle device to reflect who Awards Intelligence are and the value they bring to their clients. It also symbolises the three different areas of their business: the client, the awards and Awards Intelliegnce.

Best Business Awards

The Best Business Awards is characterised as being strong, confident and powerful, aligned as a sister brand to Awards Intelligence. Similar to our rebranding for Awards Intelligence, we have positioned Best Business Awards with a high level of prestige and credibility. 

Through utilising a spotlight motif, the master logo draws a sense of focus to the winners and the business awards, ‘spotlighting’ their achievements. The text ‘BBA’ breaking out of the logo evokes a sense of intrigue, as well as adding drama and excitement, further elevating their positioning.

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